Gift Planning Services
Gift planning or legacy giving is the process of strategically arranging charitable donations during a donor’s lifetime to maximize financial planning as well as donor impact and satisfaction. Studies estimate that over the next thirty years, charities will receive between $6 and $25 trillion in gifts through the estate plans of donors. Overwhelmingly, the charities that benefit will understand donor-centric gift planning programs that encourage estate gifts. Gift planning has many important advantages. A legacy gift discussion has different dynamics and potential than upfront cash gifts. These discussions often include thoughtful, special projects that take on special meaning when viewed through a strategic, long-term point of view.
Many nonprofit organizations think gift planning is technically out of reach. They fear they don’t have the specialized staff. Or they defer these programs to satisfy near-term revenue demands. The truth is that there is no reason to delay. The staff you need for set up and program operation can be outsourced from a consultancy. It is easy. A simple bequest society can be set up during an afternoon.
Each member of your board should be asked to become a charter member. By logging in to a standard retirement account online, your board members can put your nonprofit in their estate plan with a percentage gift of the retirement fund. It takes fifteen minutes for board members to make this gift. No lawyer is required. It is revocable and can be undone in the same fifteen minutes.
We can help with:
- Building a bequest-giving society that is backed by your board
- Assisting prospect meetings and liaisons with tax and legal professionals
- Evaluating programs, training staff, and creating gift planning campaigns that can stand alone or blend into your campaign effort.
Who to Contact
Margaret Holman
Tel: 917.699.7380
Margaret offers extensive experience in gift planning. Contact Margaret today to find out how he can further your project.